Efficient, compact CO2 diffusor for aquariums of up to 120 liters.
With bubble counter and waste gas vent.
How the CO2 Topper works
The CO2 supplied by the CO2 fertilizer system gathers in the Topper‘s collector. It is here that a CO2 bubble will gradually start to form. Thanks to the large contact surface the CO2 quickly and effectively dissolves in the aquarium water. The amount of CO2 supplied can be measured by the number of bubbles leaving the integrated bubble counter hose per minute.
Whilst CO2 diffuses into the water, other naturally-occurring gases penetrate into the gas bubble beneath the collector. These so-called waste gases are considerably lighter than the relatively heavy CO2 and therefore gather at the top of the collector. Here they are automatically drawn off in regular intervals using the specially developed waste gas vent.
The heavy CO2 on the other hand collects at the bottom in the gas buffer at the interface to the water. Thanks to the fully-developed design of the Topper, the valuable CO2 is used optimally.
Dimensions: 15 x 4 x 5 cm